Teaching Pronunciation Celce Murcia Ebook Download VERIFIED
Teaching Pronunciation Celce Murcia Ebook Download
The Teaching Pronunciation book is geared towards those who want to teach pronunciation, and the emphasis is on explaining the way sounds work, with a focus on how they affect the eyes, ears, mouth, and other senses. The book includes a CD with recordings of flashcards used in the book that students can listen to and learn from. It also includes many activities to help students practice pronunciation.
Many people think books are only for students. This is not true. Anyone who teaches has the right to have materials that can be useful. This book is designed to be useful for those teachers, too. At the end of each chapter, we provide an explanation of methods, an exercise, some answers to common questions, and some commentary for what the teacher should consider when using the method.
In this chapter, I explain basic pronunciation concepts. Even a student who is not a native speaker will benefit from knowing what is said by a native speaker. For example, it can be a frustrating experience if a student says, “What does the ‘t’ sound like?”